

Jonah is my daughter Sawyer's friend! Isn't he the cutest thing?? I have known his Mommy for a few years and was so honored when she asked me to do his first year pictures. Thank you, Lee Ann, for this opportunity. I just adore your little guy and look forward to the friendship he and my girl will surely have!

by Liz

Brooklyn Kay

I work with this sweet girls Mommy and it was truly an honor to do photos for their family as a surprise for her Daddy for Christmas. Hopefully, we will do Spring pictures and let Daddy be in them. :) Thank you Brandy, for allowing me the chance to capture this stage in your beautiful little girls life.

by Liz

My Family

Shelby is my baby cousin. She is the youngest granddaughter, and I the eldest. So many memories of my childhood are tied to her and her sister, Andrea. I cannot even begin to express how much it meant to me that she wanted me to do her wedding photos. I traveled to the Pacific Northwest in August of this year and had one of the best adventures ever. I cried more at this wedding then any I have ever done prior, as they are mine. I claim these people. They are my family. To say I was emotional is a true understatement. Shelby, my beautiful cousin, thank you for this opportunity.

by Liz

Feldner Five

That baby bump right there....see it?! It's now a sweet baby brother! I have done pictures for this adorable family since Quinn was just a wee baby and I get to do family photos for all five this month! Love this family and so honored to be friends with Amber since high school. Thank you for always trusting me with your memories.

by Liz

Cramsey Crew

Ashley and I have worked together for a little over two years now, and she is one of the sweetest people. Meeting her adorable family, and seeing how much they love her, is truly inspiring. Thank you, Ashley, for allowing me this opportunity to capture this moment for you.

by Liz

Bunte Bunch

Jaclyn and I have been friends since high school, but as adults, our friendship has grown into a much deeper, stronger beast. She is one of the strongest, smartest women I know. She has served our country in the United States Navy, raised two absolutely amazing young men, and is now taking on a new adventure as a farm owner, bee keeper, real estate name it! So proud to always be her photographer of choice. 

by Liz

Mr. & Mr.


The wedding of Mr. Smith & Mr. Bridges was a first for me. It was my first gay marriage. I cannot express to you the honor it was to be a part of this moment for them. It was historic in the fact that they FINALLY get to do this. It was monumental in the fact that every person present in that church wanted nothing more than to share in their love and their joy. There was an honest to goodness standing ovation when they kissed and the whoops and hollers were deafening when they were pronounced a married couple. Thank you. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this amazing day!

by Liz

Wedding Bell's

The Bell's are two people who are genuinely in love. Not only was their wedding full of joy and sweet moments, it was truly FUN as well! The wedding party was a hoot and had a great time! I was truly honored to be a part of their big day! 

by Liz